Feb 9, 2010

Up and Down

Up and down i goes ..
Like a roller coaster rolling upside down ..
My life is in such a mess ..
Cant help it, But just to endure .

Im so fCUKing stress with my life .
Why cant i just lead a happy life like the others do ?
Ader mataer Happy . Taqder mataer pon HAPPY !
Why uhk ppl Like to put salt on my wound ?? KENTOT uhk !
I tried to brace myself up with laughter and happiness . But it still doesnt help ...

My mum Lecture me about Ashar and Koko . I just dont know . I dont wanna go thru hard tyme with Ashar anymore . I love koko . Yes i do . But there are so many things i heard abt him that really hurt me alot .

I dont know wat to say already .
